Tasha Kalisher

Empowerment through touch

Shiatsu, Qigong and Soul Midwifery.

Supporting people back into wholeness, health and strength. Using listening, touch, movement, to act as a catalyst for profound personal change. 

How I can help you


    A powerful form of hands-on, clothed bodywork. It works with acupressure points using finger/hand pressure, rotations and stretches to bring the body back into balance. Shiatsu can relieve pain, ease chronic or acute physical difficulty, support emotional and mental health, and leave clients feeling held and replenished.


    A moving meditation. In many ways Qigong is not that different from yoga – It works to open the body, stretch the muscles, bring strength and stability, quieten the mind, and encourages vitality and balance.


    Tender Loving Care training - giving non-medical, non-religious ideas to support a loved one, client or resident during the four stages of dying.

“Shiatsu with Tasha in the Cedar Shed is one of my favourite things. Not only do you get an amazing shiatsu, you then get time alone to sleep, read, draw and just relax in the beautiful space that is the Cedar Shed”


Try a session and see if it’s right for you